Castle Combe Duathlon - Sept 1st.
2m run - 10m bike - 2m Run
So, my 6th Castle Combe Duathlon, and first in over a year.
There was only one thing on my mind. Get inside 1Hr.
The weather was just right - warm, and very little wind.
Only a small field for this one at 114. But my old neighbour Mr Milstead was in attendance to try and bag his second P1 inside 3 days.
This race has always had some high quality 'elite's', and tonight was no different, as the pace was swift from the off.
Lately, I have been finding that I'm function better straight off the bike, so, it really felt that I was NOT moving swiftly at all on the first run.
Still, back to T1 in 13:48, a PB for this first run 'leg'.
T1 itself was an average 1:04.
This bike was the real chance to ensure I achieved that sub-1hr time.
Out of T1 I felt good, and tried to put the hammer down on the first gentle slope out of T1. I felt OK after really pushing hard on lap 1.
Lap splits on the bike are not supplied, but I reckon mine were very similar, and I pushed it right up to the u-turn back into T2 with a bike time of 25.56, a PB by 3 mins.
I chose not to look at the watch at all during the whole race, aside from checking the HR wasn't at a silly level. As it was, it averaged 170bpm.
So, out of T2 in 0:51, and out for the final loop.
I felt a little wobbly at first, but soon got into a groove.
Feeling 'better' than the first run loop, a group of about 5 of us were equally distanced, and all running at a very similar pace.
Still not tempted to look at the watch, I genuinely thought I would get inside the hour, possibly sneak into the high 58's.
With my usual group (am I am very grateful) of A,J,J, plus Em&Paul supporting and shouting me in, I stopped the Suunto at 56:51 - absolutely delighted to have taken 5 mins 8 secs off my '07 PB.
results here - ccombe dua sept10
So, I must now take on the Chilly in November, and ensure the sub 1hr. times are here to stay!
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